My Father, My Teacher
By Nichiko Niwano (1938-) President of Rissho Kosei-kai
In this refreshing book, a young religious leader examines his complex relationship with his father, the founder of a major Buddhist organisation. The children of men and women in the ministry often face special challenges in growing up and in their relations with their parents. Yet, as the author’s thoughtful narrative reveals, such challenges can help mold a generous, compassionate nature and build a firm, loving bond between parent and child. With artless candor, the author retraces the spiritual journey that took him from youthful rebellion and reluctance to follow in his father’s footsteps to a quiet maturity and willingness to accept the mantle of his father’s ministry.
143 pp. 10.8 x 1.3 x 17.8 cm (Paperback)
You can borrow this book at the Buddhist Centre.
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