Dharma World
Regulating Our Breathing (Nichiko Niwano)
Meditation in the Contemporary World (Dominick Scarangello)
Buddhist Meditation, Christian Contemplation, and Their Various Uses (Peter Feldmeier)
Meditation without Borders: Christians Who Engage in Meditation Practices from Other Religious Traditions (Leo D. Lefebure)
The Development and Significance of Meditation in Buddhism (Kenryo Minowa)
Buddhist Meditation and Christian Contemplation: Wisdom Bringing Forth Selfless Love (Ruben L. F. Habito)
Reforming World Order through Human Reformation: A Perspective through Religion (Kamar Oniah Kamaruzaman)
The Practical Ethics of Won-Buddhism and Liberal Religious Culture as a Path to World Peace (Park Kwangsoo)
Buddhism and Social Engagement (2) Building Peace (Ranjana Mukhopadhyaya)
The Ome Retreat Center and the Youth Department (Nikkyo Niwano)
The Sutra of the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Law
Chapter 25: Th e All-Sidedness of the Bodhisattva Regarder of the Cries of the World (1)
Published semiannually, Dharma World is a magazine that presents Buddhism as a practical living religion and promotes interreligious dialogue for world peace. It espouses views that emphasise the dignity of life, seeks to rediscover our inner nature and bring our lives more in accord with it, and investigates causes of human suffering. It tries to show how religious principles help solve problems in daily life and how the least application of such principles has wholesome effects on the world around us. It seeks to demonstrate truths that are fundamental to all religions, truths on which all people can act.
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PDF (The Modern Significance of Meditative Practices in Religions)
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